Friday, August 10, 2007

Bsic Principles Of Winning

Suppose, in a $10-maximum game of poker, you've won $400. All right. You're a big winner and have reached the outer limits of your expected win. However, the cards are still going your way. You now invest 20 percent of that $400, $80, and if you lose that $80, you're out of the game, no ifs, ands, or buts.

In other words, you're allowing a retreat of no more than 20 percent of your winnings, with the expectation that you will be able to win even more money. If your good fortune continues, stay in the game. If you win another $100, then again use the same principle of continuing to gamble with 20 percent of your total winnings. Now you have a $100 leeway. Keep going until you lose that 20 percent, and then get out.

You may find yourself ahead $800. In that case, you play on till you lose $160 of that money. What happens if you never lose that 20 percent but keep winning? Then keep playing as long as you can keep your eyes open. You're heading for a magnificent win, a beautiful session of poker-take full advantage of it.

This is a "stop-loss" system, the same method used by in¬vestors in the stock market, who, after having a stock rise, set loss limits against their profits by automatically selling out at certain prices. This method allows us to let our winnings ride and limits our losses from those winnings.

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