Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tilt Prevention

A well known player of my mostly visited poker table named as Harry. He was steamed and everyone knew it. Harry had flop a black ace on the board to go with his pair of red aces in the pocket. This was a low-limit ($3-$6) Hold'Em game and the complete flop was A ••• -6. -10. Harry had the opportunity to rise after the flop and merely called because he wanted to keep the players in. He slow played that set of aces into a full-blown tilt. A pretty little lady named Billie was on the button and she called before the flop raise and the $3 bet after the flop with 3.-4 •. Bless her soul.

You have already guessed that the turn card gave that pretty lady a straight draw. She caught the seven of clubs on 4th street and got a red five on the river. Billie giggled as she stacked the chips and tossed the dealer two dollars.

Meanwhile, Harry percolated. In my head, I considered how I could take advantage of poor Harry's temper tantrum. It isn’t nice to do that, but when I am at the poker table, I don't have a bleeding heart. I check the nice guy part of me at the door. When I see an opening, I go for it and encourage you to do the same. If you can't cope with a tilt, stay out of a poker game. Especially low-limit poker. Low-limit poker is a draw-out game and you will lose a lot of pots on the last card. Tilt and low-limit go together like jelly and peanut butter.

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